Check the Tonberry Troupe site for their information on this fight!
They also have a Cater Solo Guide for tiers 1-13!

(Press the button to see more information about each run!)

Character 1
Character 2
Character 3
Video link
Written strategy
Eight EX+3LBNoneNone1014k38Tequila7 run
Eight EX+3LBNoneNone1017k34BuchiLord run, Removed speed passives(Ability Speed Bonus, Buff Attack Speed Up)
Sephiroth EX+3LBRenoGladiolus1005k63SomecallmeBrian
Seifer EX+3LBRenoKimahri EX+3LB1000k86FoxDie Gaming in the video description, No BT
ArdynBasch EX+3LBReno1004k58Xcaliblur in the video description
Warrior of Light EX+3LBLightning EX+3LBArdyn1006k56Zavidgamer Eng BT, LD, Ex+, Full CB/SB. Lightning: Ex+, Full CB/SB, HA. Ardyn: BT, LD, Ex+, Full CB/SB. Odin summon.
Eald'narche EX+3LBRenoMaria1003k69HeavyCura commentary
Eight EX+3LBNoneNone1010k45FlybyLV in the video description
Kuja EX+3LBEdwardShantotto EX+3LB1004k66Indolent Lard Modified BT Phase, inspired from VL
Kuja EX+3LBRaijin EX+3LBShantotto EX+3LB1000k83heartnetzXIII in the video description
RenoZidane EX+3LBPenelo EX+3LB1001k89chef5 knife
ArdynRenoGladiolus1007k53DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11) in the video descriptionNote: All 3 characters are EX+3LB with their enhancement boards and bloom passives. Ardyn has his BURST, his LD and the following spheres - Rinoa and Alphinaud (RF), Reno has his own sphere, and Raijin (RF). Gladiolus has his LD, his HG armor, and the following spheres - his own, Raijin (RF) and Garnet (RF)

Wave 1: Flutter Jelly x2 (completed on turn 28)
Wave 2: Ferrum Scorpion, Affect (completed on turn 53)
Eight EX+3LBPorom EX+3LBNone1003k70kamuinoyume commentary
Sephiroth EX+3LBBasch EX+3LBNone856k90ScarletClaire run
Sephiroth EX+3LBBasch EX+3LBVivi1000k72GamingJoey Burst, 2 LDs
Tifa EX+3LBNoneNone1047k16silo cons in the video description, Solo run