
These guides are only released at least one day after the event has launched, because they are based on first-hand experience from testing and beating the fight with different team comps and strategies. And that takes a good amount of time!
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📝 Recommended Characters

📝 Wave 1: DRAGONFLY x1, SWEEPER x1

HP: 21,000,000

Elemental modifiers: None
Type modifiers: None
Debuff immunity: None
Full information on Dissidia Compendium

HP: 1,800,000
(immune to launches)
Elemental modifiers: None
Type modifiers: None
Debuff immunity: None
Full information on Dissidia Compendium

Lufenia orb

  • Appears at 79% (count: 10)
  • Never disappears
  • Increases by +12 (limit: 15) when a player character recovers skill uses for 2 or more abilities
  • To uptick the orb, you need to use an ability that recovers uses for 2 skills. The list of characters is quite limited. Agrias (LD), Vayne (EX), Shelke (LD), Y’shtola (EX) and Prompto (LD) are the most viable ones. Except for Shelke, please note that you need to use at least 1 skill of S1 and S2 before using the skill recovery, otherwise it won’t increase the orb.

Boss Mechanics

Lufenia Auras


  • The Dragonfly will summon a Sweeper at the following HP thresholds: start of the fight, 79%, 59%, 39% and 19%. If the first Sweeper is not killed, the boss will summon the next one in Slot C. The boss will also heal the surviving Sweeper back to full health.
  • The Dragonfly’s first attack is Carpet Bomb+. The + version is very likely to kill your entire team. If you cannot kill the Sweeper in time, Warrior of Light’s or Nine’s LD Calls may keep you alive.
  • The Sweeper has a Smoke Shot attack (ST HP Attack) if its BRV is high. It will use Double Machine Gun (ST BRV) which is followed up by Supporting Dragonfly (which batteries the enemy party and brings the Dragonfly’s turn forward).
  • While the Sweeper is alive, the boss has 100% evasion. To remove the evasion, you need to either kill the Sweeper or allow the boss to use Carpet Bombing.

Calling reinforcements and readying attack!

  • The Dragonfly will gain a 100% evasion aura and follow up with Carpet Bomb+ in its first action (full HP damage) if the sweepers are alive. To cancel the evasion stance, you need to either tank the Carpet Bomb attack or kill the Sweeper(s).
  • If the Dragonfly is confused, you can prevent the evasion stance but the Sweeper will still be summoned at the HP thresholds. Agrias is a popular option for the fight thanks to her Faded Moly confusion. You can also use other options such Porom or Mog. They will help to make the fight easier but it is not necessary to have them.

⚔️ Call to Arms

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💪 Credits

This guide was written by DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11). Follow his youtube channel for a crazy amount of runs in every event!
The fight mechanics infographic comes from Xcaliblur, who also has an amazing channel full of videos destroying Lufenia fights!