
These guides are only released at least one day after the event has launched, because they are based on first-hand experience from testing and beating the fight with different team comps and strategies. And that takes a good amount of time!
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📝 Recommended Characters

📝 Wave 1: TEARS EYES x2

Tears Eyes
HP: 7,000,000

Elemental modifiers: None
Type modifiers: Weak vs. :melee: Melee
Debuff immunity: None
Full information on Dissidia Compendium

Lufenia orb

  • Appears at 79% (count: 10)
  • Never disappears
  • Increases by +1 (limit: 10) when that boss is delayed by 1 turn (Break does not count)
  • Increases by +10 (limit: 10) when that boss is delayed by 2 or more turns (Break does not count)
  • To uptick the orb, you need to do 2T delay. Other than Quistis, there is a limited number of units that offer that: Cloud of Darkness with S2, Aranea with S1, Sabin with S2, Cinque’s LD (with Stun debuff active) and Cloud’s LD. You can freeze the orb with single turn delay units, most of which are listed in the recommendations.

Boss Mechanics

  • This is a fight that heavily favours delayers. The Queen of Delays, Quistis was present in almost every team comp when the event was announced in JP. Even teams that didn’t use her in the party still used her as a Call ability The good news is that you don’t need her LD as she will work even with her base EX.
  • This is a delay centric battle which will most probably feature no boss turns. So boss actions will not be covered in the guide.
  • Shining Tears is a whooping 700k HP regen per field turn (include your party turns, BURST phase or summon phase). The HP regen starts on the turn of activation. To dispel it, you need to deal 3 turn delay. It will be activated at the start, 49% and 29%. So time your uses of Quistis’ Degenerate Whip at the HP thresholds to dispel the effect. (You need 6 uses of 3T delay. Cloud of Darkness can also achieve this, but timing is much more difficult.)

“Preparing to Recover…” at 79% and 29%

  • Like other LUFENIA+ fights, the auras will activate at the following thresholds:

⚔️ Call to Arms

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🎬 Video demonstration

📋 PDF Guide

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💪 Credits

This guide was written by DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11). Follow his youtube channel for a crazy amount of runs in every event!
The fight mechanics infographic comes from Xcaliblur, who also has an amazing channel full of videos destroying Lufenia fights!