
These guides are only released at least one day after the event has launched, because they are based on first-hand experience from testing and beating the fight with different team comps and strategies. And that takes a good amount of time!
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📝 Recommended Characters


Superior Knight
HP: 12,500,000

Elemental modifiers: None
Type modifiers: None
Debuff immunity: None
Full information on Dissidia Compendium

Lufenia orb

  • Appears at start (count: 8)
  • Disappears at 79%
  • Appears at 49% (count: 8)
  • Increases by +1 (limit: 15) when target takes critical BRV damage
  • Increases by +1 (limit: 15) when target takes ranged BRV damage
  • The orb condition is pretty tight (8). Other than dealing ranged damage (Prompto and Trey are great for their constant follow-ups), you need to inflict constant critical damage. Aranea’s Vitalcrusher debuff from her S2, or Barret along with Setzer’s Fixed Dice buff are quite popular choices.

Boss Mechanics

  • Like other LUFENIA+ bosses they activate the auras at the following HP thresholds
  • 100%: Increasing defenses…! : 60% BRV DMG Down, 70% BRV Gain down
  • 79%: Further increasing defenses…! : 70% BRV DMG Down/70% BRV Gain Down
  • 49%: Defensive powers at their highest! 80% BRV DMG resistance
  • Energy Charge (yellow streaks of aura) occurs at the 79% and 49% HP thresholds with ~140k BRV. Prepare to use your instant break/ gravity abilities to remove the BRV gains. HP damage is reduced by 200% The effects will be removed after they have taken a turn.
    • If not broken: Uses (Laser Shield ++ BRV+HP with buff dispel, ignore HP/BRV immunity)
    • If broken: Uses Laser Shield+ (BRV+HP, ignores HP/BRV Immunity)
  • They go into Energy Charge mode instantly if they didn’t get a turn and use Phalanx before the 79% HP threshold. There will be an added effect that they can’t be delayed (even from breaks) nor can their turns be deleted. Other mechanics remain the same as per normal Energy Charge. It will only be cancelled after the boss uses Phalanx on their turn following turn.
  • The boss can enter into Phalanx mode with a glow aura on its shields and upgrading the levels after each turn they take. Once it reached Phalanx++ (red), It will uses Shield Attack (ignores BRV, HP DMG immunity) with 10% splash damage.
  • Phalanx (white) – BRV DMG resistance -10%, BRV gains -10%
  • Phalanx+ (yellow) – BRV DMG resistance -30%. BRV gains -20%
  • Phalanx++ (red) – BRV DMG resistance -50%. BRV gains -30%

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💪 Credits

This guide was written by DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11). Follow his youtube channel for a crazy amount of runs in every event!
The fight mechanics infographic comes from Xcaliblur, who also has an amazing channel full of videos destroying Lufenia fights!