
These guides are only released at least one day after the event has launched, because they are based on first-hand experience from testing and beating the fight with different team comps and strategies. And that takes a good amount of time!
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📝 Recommended Characters

📝 Wave 1: GROßE PFLANZE x1

Große Pflanze
HP: 21,000,000

Elemental modifiers: None
Type modifiers: None
Debuff immunity: None
Full information on Dissidia Compendium

Lufenia orb

  • Appears at 79% (count: 15)
  • Never disappears
  • Increases by +8 (limit: 15) when player deals at least 250000 HP damage in 1 knockback (launch)
  • Increases by +1 (limit: 15) when the boss is knocked back
  • This is a very demanding orb to control without Raines or Layle. Only the damage done in the air counts, not the initial attack that launches the boss. With BRV gain reductions, your launch batteries will be hampered. Other than using Pandemonium summon and HP damage up calls, having someone with BRV gain up (e.g. Porom) and BRV batteries (Y’shtola) will help a lot to ensure you have the capability to meet the damage target.

Boss Mechanics

  • The boss starts off with the phase “Took an offensive posture!” with a full recast gauge where it will frame its turn with a gold aura, giving it the following properties:
    • Framed turns: Immune to delay (include breaks) and turn deletion
    • 400k BRV shields. The boss has a 300% HP DMG Up aura and 2 framed buffs (:buff_generic_framed: 50% ATK Up & :buff_generic_framed: 50% BRV damage boost.)
    • 70% HP damage resistance (except during launches)
  • The resistances and auras will be gone after you break the shield or launch the boss. The framed turns will be removed after the boss uses the recast.
  • It will enter this phase again at 49% HP and whenever the recast gauge is full.
  • With its recast ability :recastbar: Tempest the boss cleanses all debuffs and follows up with a BRV Gain, AOE BRV+HP x2 and inflicts :debuff_generic: SPD Down & :debuff_generic: Turn Rate Down. It has a fast recast gauge (fully charges in 3 turns). Make sure you have damage mitigation to withstand the hits. Preventing breaks is important for survival as well. WoL LDCA or Nine LD are good options to survive the first attack.
  • The boss activates auras at the following thresholds:
    • “Earthen power increasing!” at the start of the fight (100% stats boost with 70% BRV Gain & DMG Reduction with 30% HP damage resist (except in launch)
    • “Earthen power further increasing!” at the 79% HP threshold(180% stats boost with 80% BRV Gain & 90% BRV DMG reduction, 20% SPD Up and MAX BRV can exceed 99999)
    • Storing nutrients! at 69%, 49%, 19%- Massive BRV gain (150% of its MAX BRV) and instant break immunity for 1T
    • Earthen powers at their highest! at 49% HP threshold (200% boost to all stats)

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💪 Credits

This guide was written by DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11). Follow his youtube channel for a crazy amount of runs in every event!
The fight mechanics infographic comes from Xcaliblur, who also has an amazing channel full of videos destroying Lufenia fights!