
These guides are only released at least one day after the event has launched, because they are based on first-hand experience from testing and beating the fight with different team comps and strategies. And that takes a good amount of time!
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📝 Recommended Characters

Boss Mechanics

📝 Wave 1: Ochu x1, Microchu x2

This wave is nothing but a warm-up. Just pay attention if any of your characters requires having full HP at the start of the last wave to trigger some of their passive effects.

📝 Wave 2: Assault Dog x2

Assault Dog
HP: 8,500,000

Elemental modifiers: None
Type modifiers: None
Debuff immunity: None
Enrage: Yes. When one dies, the other will raise all stats and gain a shield with twice the strength.
Full information on Dissidia Compendium

BRV Attack :single: :melee: :brv: attack
Rip :single: :melee: :hp: attack
Shoulder PoundRecovers from Break;
:single: :melee: :brv: + :hp: attack; delays target 1 turn
Gatling Gun :single: :ranged: :brv: attack; grants :buff_regen: 3T BRV Regen to self
Cannon Blow :group: :magic: :brv: attack; grants :buff_generic: 3T INT BRV Up to party
Assault Combo
“+” version during Fire Dog mode
:single: :melee: :brv: attack; grants :buff_generic: 3T DEF Up to self
“+” version: Increases BRV before the attack
Quick Laser
“+” version during Fire Dog mode
:single: :magic: :brv: attack; grants :buff_generic: 3T ATK Up to self
“+” version: Increases BRV before the attack
“+” version during Fire Dog mode
Increases BRV;
:group: :magic: :fire: :brv: + :hp: attack
Fire Dog
Used every 2-3 turns if not
already active, or at fixed
HP thresholds (79%, 59%, 29%),
or when the other Dog dies
Increases BRV;
reduces BRV damage taken;

increases BRV damage taken from elemental weakness;
grants a WoL-style Shield (500% of their INT BRV);
takes 0 HP damage while the shield is active;
prevents turn delay (except from Breaks)
💀 Flamethrower+
Used if the shield from
Fire Dog is not broken
Removes own debuffs (frames included);
increases BRV;
:group: :magic: :fire: :brv: + :hp: attack;
further increases BRV;
:group: :magic: :fire: :brv: + :hp: attack (full HP damage to each target, guaranteed hit)

Stat increases: Like all Chaos/Lufenia bosses, at 79% and 49% HP their base stats will get stronger.
Enrage: Yes. When one dies, the survivor will trigger “Irritated…!” (raises ALL STATS) and Fire Dog on itself. Try to finish them off close together.
1% HP: 85,000

Lufenia orb

  • Appears at battle start (count: 10)
  • Disappears at 79%
  • Reappears at 59% (count: 10)
  • Increases by +1 (limit: 10) when that boss gets inflicted with Break (at release, only Exdeath is able to do this).
  • Increases by +1 (limit: 10) when that boss takes :dark: Dark elemental damage.
  • To uptick the orb, you need to inflict breaks along with dealing dark damage. Doing only one of them will freeze the orb but not increase the counter. Xande will make the task considerably easier. Unlike the previous event, the fight has thresholds where the orb will be disabled. Having a dedicated dark unit will help a lot. Rebreakers like Tidus and Zell are very valuable to control the orb.

Boss Strategy

The regular attacks from the Assault Dogs are very basic, and they don’t have a Recast ability. They make up for it with a unique mechanic: Fire Dog. It is an aura that may be triggered as a free action after one of their attacks (if neither of them have it active at that time), or automatically the moment they pass specific HP thresholds. It is composed of two parts, independent of one another: a red aura and an invisible shield.

Fire Dog with shield active (left) and without shield (right).

The red aura makes the boss immune to delays (except from Breaks),reduces the BRV damage they take from attacks (but increases damage from attacks that hit an elemental weakness), and powers up some of their attacks. It ends after 2 turns (whether the bosses were able to act or not). Breaking the shield will not remove the aura.

Fire Dog Shield negating HP damage on Assault Dog B

The shield is marked by yellow streaks of light floating up (see above), and functions exactly like Warrior of Light’s: it absorvs BRV damage, and while it exists, the bosses will take 0 HP damage from any attack (and if the shield absorbs your hits of Dark damage it will not increase their orb count). It is not a buff so it can’t be dispelled. The shield value is 5x their INT BRV, so anyone who debuffs INT BRV can help. If this shield is not broken, their next attack will be Flamethrower+, which is almost impossible to survive. If it IS broken, they will still use Flamethrower, which still hurts.

The keys to beat this fight are bringing a strong BRV shaver who can hit elemental weakness, one or more ways to deal :dark: Dark damage (see the Lufenia Orb section), HP damage negation and/or ways to disable enemy attacks (turn deletion/manipulation, Sleep, Paralysis, HP Attack Disable, Terror, etc).

When none of the bosses have Fire Dog active, one may trigger it after attacking (usually after 2-3 turns without the aura). And when the first Assault Dog hits 79%, 59% or 29% HP, it will force Fire Dog to trigger on both if they don’t already have the aura (if one still has the aura but the shield is gone, the shield will not refresh). You can use this to your advantage and keep them in red aura while jumping through the HP thresholds, to stop the shields from appearing again (more details in the Cheese Corner). Do note that the bosses do not delay themselves when the aura appears, so you should plan in advance by saving a strong skill to shave the shields, or an emergency button if you can’t (like using your summon/friend/BT).

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💪 Credits

This guide was written with contributions from DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11). Follow his youtube channel for a crazy amount of runs in every event!
The fight mechanics infographic comes from Xcaliblur, who also has an amazing channel full of videos destroying Lufenia fights!