
📕 Visual overview

📋 PDF Guide

Download here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dSR7Re_vCmQs-eSwsoynO93Q6Vhxa-Kf/view?usp=sharing

🎬 Video demonstration

💪 Credits

This guide was created by DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11), who frequently contributes to the site and on reddit. If you like it, follow his youtube channel!

⚔️ Dealing with the BRV reduction auras

When this event was originally released in JP, the fight was made much easier by the fact that it was possible to skip one of the main mechanics by just bringing the bosses’ HP down evenly. If they passed through the HP thresholds at the same time, the BRV reduction auras would not trigger.

The GL version of this fight does not have the same bug, making it considerably more difficult than the original JP event, so our friend Xcaliblur compiled a list of ways to deal with the BRV reduction:

🧀 The Cheese Corner

This is not necessarily easier than doing the fight the recommended way, but if you lack gear for the featured characters or just want the pleasure of seeing the bosses die without ever taking an action, check out Xcaliblur’s cheese recipe!