Chocoboard Guide – Early December 2020

Tip: Make a party with two of the required summon/characters + a fast group damage dealer and you can clear the character usage missions while also farming the required monsters.

Bomb x10

Locke’s Lost Chapter: “Treasure Hunting” Pt. 10 (Normal difficulty) has 5 Bombs in 3 waves, completing the mission in 2 fights.
Note: The Bombs from Palom’s Lost Chapter are easier to reach, but they do NOT count for this mission (probably because they use a different model with scribbled-on faces, and the ID for that model is not listed as a Bomb in the game files. This mission requires “Bombs”, not “Bomb Types“)

Tyrant x20

Story Act 2 Chapter 9: The Destroyed Square Pt. 2 (Normal difficulty) has 1 Tyrant in 2 waves, completing the mission in 20 fights… but you might as well just wait and get it done while farming the upcoming Raid!


To the DFFOO “Monster Hunter Guide, an initiative to list all monster locations in the game (maintained by Marvan09).

To @xcaliblur, @mzpro2, @infinitus and @Lumine who also contributed tips for these stages in our public DFFOO Telegram group, which can be found here: