We’re live!

This has been long in the planning… way, way too long. The Call to Arms project needed its own space to make it more accessible for non-redditors to contribute, and the Chocobo Panel Guides sorely needed an easier to share link; but that is just the start. I have many plans in mind for this site.

Our community has too many resources spread around the internet, lost among reddit threads or discord chats and passed around from player to player like clandestine goods. My main objective is helping players find the best of our community creations, gather and categorize links to them, and serve as a home for projects that need it.

But the Call to Arms already demands a fair share of time to upkeep. And I envisioned so much for this site, wanted so badly to have everything ready before I showed it to the world, that I ended up feeling overwhelmed by my plans. So I stalled. If this seems like a bare-bones site at first, that’s because it is! The way I found to stop stalling was to just get the ball rolling and make the site public.

Most of what you see right now is just a placeholder. But the foundation has been set, and I will keep building on it. So – hopefully! – the whole thing will take shape in the next few weeks, instead of just being a little secret project that did not help anyone as long as it was just a plan in my heart.