
These guides are only released at least one day after the event has launched, because they are based on first-hand experience from testing and beating the fight with different team comps and strategies. And that takes a good amount of time!
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📝 Recommended Characters

⚔️ Call to Arms

Find videos and team ideas here

📝 Wave 1: Tunneler x2

HP: 16,000,000

Elemental modifiers: Absorbs :earth: ; Weak to :ice: Ice and :holy: Holy
Type modifiers: Weak to :ranged: Ranged
Debuff Immunity: Immune to Centipoison / Akusala
Full information on Dissidia Compendium

Lufenia Auras

MessageHP thresholdBRV DMGBRV GainKey Stats
The earth is trembling…Start-70%-70%DEF+200%,MAX BRV 112,500
The earth is further trembling…79%-70%-80%DEF+300%, MAX BRV 135,000
Earth power increased to max!49%-70%-90%

Lufenia orb

  • Appears at 79% (count: 8)
  • Never disappears
  • Increases by +2 (limit: 10) when player deals Ranged BRV damage
  • Increases by +2 (limit: 10) when player deals ranged BRV damage and at least 500000 HP damage in 1 turn with 1 character
  • To uptick the orb, you need to constantly deal ranged damage. If you deal more than 500k Ranged damage, you double the uptick. Kain is great for the orb thanks to his new follow-up attack mechanics

Boss Mechanics

Storing power…!

79% | 49%

Increases BRV by 50% of its MAX BRV. Gains strong resistance to :magic: Magic damage.
– Magic units will need enchant and imperil to bypass this.
– You need to give them a turn to act to use :all: Reaper+ to cancel the effect.
– Reaper+ is a BRV gain followed by :all: :brv: + :hp: attack twice.

Megaquake (recast)


Guaranteed hit, dispels 1 buff (the first from the left).
BRV Gain (100% Int BRV), :brv: + :hp: attack that ignores HP damage reduction effects. Increases BRV by 500% INT BRV after the attack.
Inflicts  :debuff_generic_framed: Centipoison I on all targets.

Each cast of Megaquake inflicts a stronger version of   :debuff_generic_framed: Centipoison:
1 stack: 5% HP damage per turn
2 stacks: 25% HP damage per turn
3 stacks: 50% HP damage per turn

At III stacks, it will trigger the conditions “The poison spreads and worsens!”
– Raises its ATK & DEF by 100%
– Immune to debuffs and delays (even from breaks)

Absorbing power from the earth!

59% | 19%

They will delay themselves a turn, cancel Break status and gain 100% MAX BRV.
– If they are Broken before their next action, they will use Tail Cutter (guaranteed hit ST BRV attack)
– If they are not Broken, they will use Tail Cutter+ (guaranteed hit ST BRV+ HP Attack, dispel all buffs)

🎬 Video demonstration

📋 PDF Guide

💪 Credits

This guide was created in collaboration with:

DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11), researcher extraordinaire. Follow his channel for a crazy amount of runs in every event!
Xcaliblur, creator of Fight Mechanics infographics with an amazing channel destroying Lufenia fights!
Destroth, who approaches the fight with multiple different teams and shows them on his channel!
And mzpro2, who suffers through these fights blindly in JP to share his experiences with us!