
These guides are only released at least one day after the event has launched, because they are based on first-hand experience from testing and beating the fight with different team comps and strategies. And that takes a good amount of time!
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📝 Recommended Characters

📝 Wave 1: OROTHKAMILA x2

HP: 15,000,000

⚠️ Cannot be delayed (except by Breaks or Quistis);
Elemental modifiers: None
Type modifiers: None
Debuff immunity: INT BRV Down / Debuffs that prevent action
Full information on Dissidia Compendium

Lufenia Auras

HP thresholdBRV DMGBRV GainKey Stats
Start-70%-50%DEF+200%,MAX BRV 150,000
79%-80%-60%DEF+300%, MAX BRV 180,000; BRV regen

Lufenia orb

  • Appears at 79% HP (count: 10)
  • Never disappears
  • Increases by +6 (limit: 15) when that enemy receives an attack when the duration of a debuff, buff or special effect decreases before the start of turn
  • Increases by +2 (limit: 15) when that enemy receives an attack when the duration of a debuff, buff or special effect decreases
  • To uptick the orb, you need to trigger off turn damage with traps debuffs (e.g. Ace) or special effects (e.g. Porom, Garnet, Trey or Vivi). Most of the traps/special effects of units listed in the guide deal off-turn damage after the turn. Only Maria‘s LD special effect and Cor’s Linked Strike (when triggered by the boss attacking) can fulfill the +6 condition.

Boss Mechanics


79% | 49% | 29%

At the listed HP thresholds, that boss will instantly fill its recast gauge (but will only use the attack when its turn comes).



– Each boss starts the fight with the bar 80% full.
– This is a guaranteed hit single target :single: :brv: + :hp: attack.
– If the boss’ current BRV is higher than its INT BRV, this attack will :debuff_generic_framed: Petrify the target for 2 turns.
– If the target is already petrified, the boss will cast the deadly Eruption attack instead.
Make sure their BRV is low when they are about to use their recast!


Fight start

The bosses will always gain 30% of their MAX BRV after their turn. This makes it easy for their recast to be the + version. You can fight this with:
instant breaks or gravity attacks, or just a good BRV shaver
– debuffs to lower their MAX BRV
– effects that lower or freeze their current BRV (like Faris or Maria‘s debuffs, Poison/Sap debuffs)
– effects that lower or freeze their BRV gains (like Setzer‘s Freeze Joker or Shiva summon at level 40, Kadaj/Arciela/Yuffie debuffs)



At 49% HP, that boss will cleanse all its debuffs (including silver frames, but not golden frames). Try to time this so you will have a few turns to react before their attack, because they will also gain a full recast bar at the same time.



The premium choices for keeping the orbs under control are: Cor (when he counters and enemy’s attack, +8 to that enemy and +2 to the other), Maria (+6 with her traps on enemy turns), and Ace (+2 with his traps on enemy or player turns). Ace is great even as a friend or LDCA, and is the only option that works if the enemies are not taking turns.

⚔️ Call to Arms

Find videos and team ideas here

🎬 Video demonstration

📋 PDF Guide

💪 Credits

This guide was created in collaboration with:

DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11), researcher extraordinaire. Follow his channel for a crazy amount of runs in every event!
Xcaliblur, creator of Fight Mechanics infographics with an amazing channel destroying Lufenia fights!
Destroth, who approaches the fight with multiple different teams and shows them on his channel!
And mzpro2, who suffers through these fights blindly in JP to share his experiences with us!