Page Contents
📕 Boss Rush Basics
- Multiple teams can be constructed for the battle, each team gets 30 actions before they must be swapped to another team.
- Any BRV/HP/skill/AA/Call will count toward your 30 count.
- Burst phase & Summon do not count toward your 30 count.
- Fewer teams used = more rewards. Use 3 or fewer teams for maximum results.
- Green Synergy – Bring any of the boosted characters and your entire party will have 50% higher stats!
- Allies in a team cannot be used on later teams, however calls can be used across multiple teams.
- Summons must be unique to each team.
- Debuffs are reset after swapping your team.
- LUFENIA orb count & Boss recast gauges remain the same after swapping teams.
- Abuse off-turn damage mechanics with traps/counters, and removing speed passives from counter units. A lower speed will result in more chances to counterattack or trigger traps in between that unit spending turns.
Boss Mechanics
HP threshold | BRV DMG | BRV Gain | Key Stats |
Start | -30% | -80% | DEF+200%, MAX BRV 150,000 |
79% | -40% | -85% | DEF+300%, MAX BRV 175,000 |
49% | -50% | -90% |
79% | 49% | 29%

A 1-turn debuff (-50% ATK, prevents BRV gains) caused by Freezing Ray or Frost Moon. Preventable by having debuff evasion or 6 framed buffs.

A 1-turn debuff (-50% ATK, prevents BRV gains) caused by Freezing Ray or Frost Moon. Preventable by having debuff evasion or 6 framed buffs.
📕 General Battle Notes
- The boss rush is easier than previous ones. The fights are Lufenia level instead of Lufenia+, so BRV dmg and BRV gain reductions are not as strong.
- The only point where this Boss Rush is not easier than the others is in its action limit (30 actions per team instead of 50).
👥 Key Roles to look out for
- Tanks and counterattacks/traps for wave 1.
- Party elemental enchant/imperil (in team or as Calls) and magic attackers for wave 2.
- Turn delay/delete and heavy damage dealers for wave 3.
⚔️ Character Recommendations
Find videos and team ideas here
🌊 Wave 1: Ancient Ruler x2

Ancient Ruler
HP: 10,500,000
Elemental modifiers: None
Type modifiers: None
Debuff immunity: None
Full information on Dissidia Compendium
Lufenia orb
- Appears at 79% (15)
- Never disappears
- Increases by +2 (limit: 15) when target takes Melee Weakness BRV damage
- Increases by +2 (limit: 15) for each player character that takes reduced BRV damage due to buffs and special effects
🌊 Wave 2: Count Steam x2

Count Steam
HP: 12,000,000
Immune to launches
Elemental modifiers: Resists Holy
Type modifiers: Weak to Magic, Resists
Debuff immunity: None
Full information on Dissidia Compendium
Lufenia orb
- Appears at 79% (15)
- Disappears at 29%
- Increases by +1 (limit: 15) when that enemy takes
Thunder weakness damage
- Increases by +1 (limit: 15) when that enemy takes
Water weakness damage
- Since the enemies are not naturally weak to Thunder or Water, the orb counter can only be increased if they are under some effect that makes them weak to these elements. Beware of having too many debuffs and pushing off the Element Resist Down.
Boss Mechanics
🌊 Wave 3: ESP Doll x1, Mini ESP Doll x2

ESP Doll
HP: 10,000,000
Elemental modifiers: Weak to Wind
Type modifiers: None
Debuff immunity: None
Full information on Dissidia Compendium

Mini ESP Doll
HP: 10,000,000
Elemental modifiers: Weak to Wind
Type modifiers: None
Debuff immunity: None
Full information on Dissidia Compendium
Lufenia orb
- Appears on both Mini ESP Dolls when any enemy hits 79% HP (15)
- Never disappears
- Increases by +4 (limit: 15) when you deal at least 850000 HP damage (in total) to ALL enemies in 1 turn with 1 character
- This orb requires all enemies to take at least some HP damage from the attack. For instance, Cid Raines cannot tick it up with his LD, since it only deals damage to a single target.
Boss Mechanics
📋 PDF Guide
🎬 Video demonstration
💪 Credits
This guide was created in collaboration with:
DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11), researcher extraordinaire. Follow his channel for a crazy amount of runs in every event!
Xcaliblur, creator of Fight Mechanics infographics with an amazing channel destroying Lufenia fights!
Destroth, who approaches the fight with multiple different teams and shows them on his channel!
And mzpro2, who suffers through these fights blindly in JP to share his experiences with us!