Page Contents
These guides are only released at least one day after the event has launched, because they are based on first-hand experience from testing and beating the fight with different team comps and strategies. And that takes a good amount of time!
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📝 Recommended Characters

📝 Wave 1: LAMIA QUEEN x1, Manikins x2 (summoned)

Lamia Queen
HP: 19,000,000
100% BRV and HP damage reduction from launches
Elemental modifiers: None
Type modifiers: Weak vs. Magic
Debuff immunity: None
Full information on Dissidia Compendium

Warrior of Light Manikin
HP: 2,500,000
Elemental modifiers: None
Type modifiers: Weak vs. Magic
Debuff immunity: None
– Can use Bitter End (BRV+HP, 50% splash) which inflicts Lock to all targets & Shields allies
Full information on Dissidia Compendium

Penelo Manikin
HP: 2,500,000
Elemental modifiers: None
Type modifiers: Weak vs. Magic
Debuff immunity: None
– Can buff party with Haste and Regen (20% Max HP)
– Uses Evanescence which cleanses all debuffs & 100% HP damage to all targets.
Full information on Dissidia Compendium
Lufenia orb
- Appears at battle start (count: 10)
- Disappears at 49% and does not return
- Increases by +8 (limit: 15) when player deals at least 850000 HP damage in 1 turn with 1 character
- The orb seems daunting but it actually isn’t. You need to deal 850k HP damage in 1 turn to uptick the orb. There are 3 targets, so you need to deal around 300k to each. There are a few reliable options, especially BT finishers (with any character) or Lann & Reynn. You can bring a Lann & Reynn BT friend and watch them shred the bosses to pieces.;)
Boss Mechanics
- Avoid using launch oriented comps as the Lamia Queen has 100% BRV and HP damage immunity for launches. You can bypass that with Cait Sith’s LD gimmick or use battery launches.
- The Lamia Queen doesn’t have any notable attacks since it will be probably using Arise most of the time. Do watch out for Allure, as it will immobilize the target for 1 turn.
- HP Attack Disable (such as from Arciela or Kefka) is a very effective tactic for this fight, since none of the enemies resist it.
Lufenia Auras

Consecutive Turns


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💪 Credits
This guide was written by DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11). Follow his youtube channel for a crazy amount of runs in every event!
The fight mechanics infographic comes from Xcaliblur, who also has an amazing channel full of videos destroying Lufenia fights!