
These guides are only released at least one day after the event has launched, because they are based on first-hand experience from testing and beating the fight with different team comps and strategies. And that takes a good amount of time!
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📝 Recommended Characters

📝 Wave 1: Ragegator x2

HP: 10,000,000

Elemental modifiers: Weak to :earth: Earth
Type modifiers: None
Debuff immunity: Elemental Resist Down
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Lufenia orb

  • Appears at battle start (count: 8)
  • Disappears at 79%
  • Reappears at 49% (count: 8)
  • Increases by +5 (limit: 15) when target takes HP damage increased by a debuff
  • Increases by +1 (limit: 15) when the boss takes :earth: Earth damage
  • Dealing earth damage will freeze the orb. Having an earth enchanter like Guy or Gau will ensure that you can constantly meet the requirements. If you are not bringing them, you can consider using Gau LDCA as a call (6T enchant)
  • To uptick the orb for a big margin, you need to deal HP damage up via a debuff. The boss is immune to elemental imperil. So HP damage up debuffs with elemental properties like Kurasame’s Hyoro and Ignis LDCA won’t be viable. Gabranth call was a very popular option for this amongst JP players when the lost chapter was released.

Boss Mechanics

  • The boss will starts off with “Ferocity increases…!” where their attacks will delay a target by 1T on break. They can gain massive amount of BRV upon breaking your party. BRV damage reduction (Guy) and keeping your party batteried is important to avoid breaks.
  • The boss has 2 forms – Normal mode and Runaway mode.
  • While in Normal mode (i.e. no red aura):
    • When they are targeting all, they will do Tremor (AOE BRV+HP) which will inflicts  :debuff_poison_framed: Tremor 3T (BRV and HP poison off the boss’ INT BRV).
    • After that, you will see a message “Moving to devour!” where they will follow up with Devour on the following turn (ST BRV, inflicts BREAK, guaranteed hit)
  • While in Runaway mode (i.e. red aura) @ 79%, 49% & 29%:
    • Upon reaching the threshold, you will see the Run Wild (happens even in BURST phase or summon) where the boss gains massive BRV (60k+), set all your party current BRV will be set to 0 along lowers your party INT BRV. Try to trigger the auras for both bosses at the same time.
    • One of the boss will be using Tremor+ for 3 turns (AOE BRV+HP x2, ignores BRV damage reduction effects, guaranteed hit). You will need at least 40k-60k BRV to withstand breaks. If the character is broken, their turn will be delayed 3T
    • The other boss will use + variants of its abilities.
  • Don’t give the boss turns unless you can neuter their BRV gains.

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💪 Credits

This guide was written by DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11). Follow his youtube channel for a crazy amount of runs in every event!
The fight mechanics infographic comes from Xcaliblur, who also has an amazing channel full of videos destroying Lufenia fights!