
🎬 Video guide (by Xcaliblur)

How the cheese works

  • This based on a weird (possibly bugged) interaction between Cor’s follow-ups and the Aggravate debuff, which results in Cor triggering infinite attacks from his follow-up until both enemies are dead. The first person to find this bug and bring it to our knowledge was Nexall Gaming, you can check out his original video here: https://youtu.be/vljvZcbvA2k

📋 Setup

  • Cor the Man, fully geared (of course).
  • A character that has warp turns – Eald’narche or Relm.
  • Any third member with a BT weapon, if your own Eald’narche doesn’t have his. Otherwise, anyone works.
  • A debuff cleansing call (prefer with healing or HP regen – e.g. Ceodore, Penelo, Mog).
  • BRV Damage Up or HP Damage Up calls – The more you stack this, the faster the cheese fight will end.
  • Odin summon – Odin Blessing will trigger since the boss will bring your party HP down to below 80%

⚔️ Execution

  • Cor links to BT user at start of fight.
  • Eald’narche or Relm inflicts warp/sketch on bosses.
  • Fully charge your summon meter (if you have trouble with this, have a launcher as your third member).
  • Get hit by aggravate, either by bringing boss to 79% or taking 10 actions in a row. Most people aim for the former trigger.
  • Immediately enter BT mode. Inside BT mode you’ll notice the boss stack turns right after BT, this is due to aggravate.
  • After BT mode ends, boss will take an instant turn, then Eald’narche/Relm will warp their turn immediately after that. Summon here.
  • BT character takes an action inside summon and then the loop will trigger.

🎬 Video demonstrations

💪 Credits

The written portion of this guide was based on DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11) – follow his youtube channel! – and the video demonstration came from Xcaliblur, who also posts many other impressive runs on his youtube channel.