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Lufenia orb
- Appears at 79% (10)
- Never disappears
- Increases by +1 for each party member with 0 debuffs (+1 to +3; limit: 20)
- Increases when player cleanses debuffs (+15 per debuff; limit: 20)
📝 Tips
- To uptick the orb, you can use frequent cleansing from your party or a Call Assist.
- Debuff immunity doesn’t work for the fight, as the boss debuffs are guaranteed hit (see boss notes below). Debuff cleansers are important here.
Boss Mechanics

- At Turn 0, one of the boss will starts with recast ability. Be prepared to use your debuff cleansing skill to remove the debuffs. Putting a cleansing call on your fastest character can help you set up quickly at the beginning of the fight, otherwise you will waste a turn being unable to use most skills.
- The recast ability
Photon Wings is AOE gravity, BRV gain of 100% BRV reduced HP attack. Its HP damage will increased by 30% against debuffed targets. It will also inflict the following nasty debuffs:
Enhancement Down 5T (Buff Chance down 80%)
Burn 2T (10% HP Poison)
Stop 2T (Freeze EX gauge)
Blind 1T (Reduce hit rate by 1)
HP Attack Disable 1T (HP or skills that deals HP attack are disabled)
- Other than the recast, the boss have a lot of debuff capabilities in its kit – Mana Breath, (AOE BRV,
DEF Down), Tail Sweep (AOE BRV+HP,
Poison &
- It will use Mana Breath+ (AOE BRV+HP, DEF Down, 30% HP damage up) after its HP drops to 79%.
- It can also inflict instant break with Verse Shot (ST BRV). It will use the + variant once its HP drops to 49%.

- The bosses will heal with Curaga (20%, 1.8mil HP) as a reaction when their HP drops to 49%, and gain a 90k
HP Regen for 5T. This cannot be avoided. Push off the regen with debuffs, or dispel it if you can.
- Curaga can happen again once the boss takes a certain number of actions (at least 5) after curing the first time. It usually happens after
Verse Shot+. It can be avoided if you burn their HP down quickly enough. It is advisable to save your BT, summon or friend unit to kill them as quickly as possible after the first Curaga, because allowing them to heal back another 20% health is probably a run ender.

- They will activate LUFENIA auras at 79% and 49% HP thresholds where they will inflict 5T
Aggravate debuff (guaranteed hit, boss will follow its turns after your party member acts). This is VERY bad and should be cleansed.

- It has a debuff counter “Enfeebling!” if your party accumulates 10 consecutive turns; it will inflict
HP Damage Resist Down (permanent, they will deal double HP damage) and 5T
Aggravate debuff. This is harmless if you already have 6 framed buffs; otherwise, dispel these debuffs at all costs; or prevent them from happening by not taking too many consecutive actions.
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💪 Credits
This guide was created by DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11), who frequently contributes to the site and on reddit. If you like it, follow his youtube channel!