
📕 Visual overview

LUFENIA Orb Mechanics

  • Appears at 79% (8)
  • Disappears at 49%
  • Reappears after using Globated Crush+ under 50% HP
  • Increases when that boss is inflicted a Break (+4; limit: 8)

Boss Mechanics

Lufenia Orb

  • To maintain the orb, you need to get the boss out of breaks and constantly re-break them. Units with rebreak and unbreak mechanics shine here a lot; otherwise, you have rely on the 5 actions unbreak rule. Delaying their turns will make the fight considerably easier.

The Boss

  • The bosses have 2 stances – Levitate (Float) & Grounded.
  • They have a wide arsenal of HP attacks while in Grounded stance:
    • Flare – AOE BRV+HP
    • Spear Arts – ST BRV+HP (inflicts 3T INT BRV Down, ATK Down)
    • Tri-Element – ST BRV+HP (inflicts 3T SPD Down, DEF Down, MAG Resist Down)
  • The boss enters Levitate Mode after 3 actions on the ground. You will know it is coming when the bosses target themselves.
    • In this mode, they become weak vs. ranged and immune to delay.
    • They will cleanse all debuffs (except gold framed), gain massive BRV and grant themselves ATK Up, SPD Up, INT BRV Up, MAX BRV Up. You can break them easily with instant breaks, gravity or weakness enhanced damage (elemental enchant/ imperil, etc)
    • They will follow up with Globated Crush+ – AOE HP (total HP damage) on their following turn and then return to Grounded Mode.
  • At 49%, if they are grounded, they will delay their turns, cleanse all debuffs (except gold) and go to Levitate stance. If they are already in Levitate stance, the debuffs don’t get cleansed! The orb will reappear if you let them use Globated Crush+.
  • Try to kill both of them at the same. The surviving one will enrage and cleanse all debuffs; or disable them with HP Silence.

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💪 Credits

This guide was created by DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11), who frequently contributes to the site and on reddit. If you like it, follow his youtube channel!