Page Contents
📕 Visual overview
LUFENIA Orb Mechanics
- Appears when HP falls below 79% (15)
- Never disappears
- Increases when boss takes BRV damage from an effect like Poison (+12; limit: 15)
Boss Mechanics
Heaven’s Might
- The Marilith loves to buff themselves with framed buffs. One of the boss will do Heaven’s Might, where they cleanses all debuffs (except gold framed) and give them 6 framed buffs – ATK, SPD, MAX BRV, BRV Regen, DEF, HP Regen. The HP regen is 5% HP regen which equates 450k per turn. So having a designated dispeller is highly recommended. You can open up options of dispellers by giving them the Vanille sphere.
- Heaven’s Might will trigger at the following points:
- When the first Marilith acts
- Both Marilith will buff themselves at 69%, 49% and 29% HP thresholds
Boss Mechanics
- Unless you have gold framed debuffs units (i.e. Sephiroth or Kadaj), do expect to reapply the debuffs often when you breached the thresholds. You need to let the boss act for the Poison/Sap to take effect to uptick the LUFENIA orb.
- The recast ability
Khakkhara of Effacement is a huge BRV gain, AOE BRV+HP x2, guaranteed hit which will kill your party if you don’t have any HP DMG mitigation utility. WoL is probably the most used tank for the fight while Beatrix will shine as well since the boss is originates from her event. Reno’s Pyramid is also viable for handling the recast.
- If you want a hassle free fight, you can employ Terror-locking with Eald’narche who will shut down the entire fight. :)
- Other than the attacks, do watch out the boss high potencies skills and buffs themselves – Pouring Rods (AOE BRV+HP, ATK Up), Abyssal Whirl (ST BRV+HP, ATK Up) and Absolute Chaos (ST BRV, DEF Up)
- The boss has a poison aura when it uses Advent of Trials that gives them the Infirmity Talisman framed buff. Dispel it to remove the HP poison aura.

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💪 Credits
This guide was created by DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11), who frequently contributes to the site and on reddit. If you like it, follow his youtube channel!