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📕 Visual overview
LUFENIA Orb Mechanics
- Appears at 79% (8)
- Disappear at 49%
- Reappear at 29% (8)
- Increases when main boss is afflicted with 4 or more debuffs (+2; limit: 8)
Boss Mechanics
Death Machines x2

- The boss will summon 2 Death Machines (700k HP) when its goes to Alight mode.
- Each Death machine comes with its own orb of 10. The orb cannot be extended. Once it counts down to 0 it is almost certain death for you.
- It is in your best interest to kill them ASAP as they can be very annoying.
Shift Type Frame BW (main boss)
- The boss has 2 modes – Airborne and Grounded. 2x Death Machines will be summoned whenever it uses Alight (i.e. switch from Airborne to Grounded)
- While Airborne, the boss is immune to delay and wider arsenal of HP attacks. It will stay in the air until your party takes 5 actions.
- While it is Grounded, the boss becomes vulnerable to magic.
- Emitting jamming signal will trigger on the following HP thresholds: 69%, 49%, 29%
- Any Death Machines present will get its turn delayed 3 turns
- All enemies will gain massive BRV.
- The 49% threshold will result the boss dispel all your party buffs with Oil Injection
- Oil Injection: If there are 4 or more debuffs, they will be cleansed whenever the boss switch modes or every 8 actions your party takes.
- The boss will inflict 3x 10T framed debuffs: Venom (BRV Poison), Oil Poisoning (10% HP Poison), HP DMG Taken Up (2x)
- As the debuffs are quite potent and guaranteed hit, it is advisable to bring debuff cleansers to remove the debuffs. Debuff immunity does not work.

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💪 Credits
This guide was created by DFFOO GL SO (ScottOng11), who frequently contributes to the site and on reddit. If you like it, follow his youtube channel!