All of the information here is generously provided by ddrox13#7859, who posts them to the r/dffoo discord server!


This Lufenia is really Terrable. Please laugh. :Terradance:

Fight Overview

  • 30/40/50% Battery Tax, 70/75/80% Brv Damage Reduction
  • Thunder absorb, as is tradition for Humbaba. You don’t want to be doing thunder damage anyway.
  • Tough to Ranged
  • Immune to Paralyze, HP silence, and all generic stat downs.
  • Humbaba Breath delays the target by 5 turns, and has HTR.
  • Also this fight really hurts? If you’re giving the boss turns, consider bringing a tank.

Orb details

Lufenia Orb (if it reaches 0 = game over)
1st: Orb count: 20, appears at wave start, never disappears
Increase: by 4 when that boss takes BRV damage non-elemental magic (max: 20)

Boss Gimmicks


  • Below 50% HP, will COUNTER all elemental damage
  • Counterplay: Don’t bring elemental damage. Do bring magic.

Concentrate & Shield Charge

  • At 79%, 49%, and 29%, dispels all debuffs (except at 29%) and gains a red aura and a 30k invisible shield
  • Red aura decreases the user’s magic defense, but makes them immune to all forms of turn delay/deletion, including via BREAK.
  • Aura is cancelled after 8 actions
  • If the enemy is allowed to act with red aura, someone loses their buffs and probably dies horribly.
  • Counterplay: Chain consecutive turns together (ex. Ultimecia EX, Terra LD) or Delay the bosses prior to the red aura appearing. Remember: c65s count as actions, and I believe Calls do as well for this. Use them liberally.

For more in-depth details, please refer to
Tonberry Troupe’s Lufenia Research:
DissidiaDB’s Bestiary:

💪 Credits

All of the information here is generously provided by ddrox13#7859, who posts them to the r/dffoo discord server!