This is a special Call to Arms focused only on Dimensions’ End fights! You can send your videos of these fights for inclusion in our compendium to help other players know how you managed to complete it with your team.

For further explanation, see the introductory page. And to send your videos for recent Events/Lost Chapters, use the other Call to Arms form.


  • All mission objectives (score, turn count, HP damage taken, etc) must be completed.
  • The video must show the whole fight, not only the final wave (but resetting mid-fight to restart a wave is fine).
  • Bonus points if you show or mention your characters’ spheres, gear or artifact choices when relevant!

If you want to get started but have never recorded your gameplay of Dissidia Opera Omnia, check some tips here.

If you have any problems sending your video through this form, or need to correct a mistake in your submission, please contact me via Twitter, Reddit or Discord (Macnol#2761)